Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Number of Lay Ecclesial Ministers Rising

According to CARA, the number of lay ecclesial ministers has risen significantly.  CARA reports:
Currently the number of lay ecclesial ministers in the United States totals about 38,000 or about two per parish (up from 29,000 in 1997, representing a 31% increase). Fourteen percent of these individuals are vowed religious and 86% are other lay persons. Overall, 80% are female and 20% male. Four in ten are under the age of 50 (for more see: The Changing Face of U.S. Catholic Parishes).
CARA goes on to report that the number of people in formation for lay ecclesial ministers exceeds the combined total of the number in seminary colleges and theologates plus deacon formation programs.

Are we ready for this?  How are we preparing ourselves for a future in which ministry will often come from lay ecclesial ministers or even more likely from each other?  This is one of the questions we ought to be asking ourselves today.  Who does ministry?  How does it happen?  Where does it happen? The face of the church is changing.  Are we ready?