Much has happened since I last wrote. Thursday morning we found ourselves in St. Peter’s Square for the opening liturgy of the Year of Faith. We were present at the papal mass, which was intended to duplicate the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Cardinals processed coming through the square, though many bishops were already seated on the dais. The pope followed, though in the Pope Mobile – sort of an open air Hummer! The Vatican diplomatic corps was also seated on the dais. We had chairs though not everyone did. The estimate is 40,000 people.
Friday we went to Santa Sabina, the international headquarters of the Dominicans, the very same church given to St. Dominic to begin his order. It was originally the home of a woman named Sabina who was converted by her slave, then both martyred. Their remains are interred in the church. It was a beautiful Romanesque church with gardens which overlook the city. They have a 180 degree panoramic view. While we were there, as it had been raining that morning, a rainbow and spread from horizon to horizon, right over St. Peter’s basilica.
Last evening we went to visit with a member of the community of St. Egidio and prayed with them in the church of St. Mary Travestere. The St. Egidio community was founded in 1968 by a group of male students who began by meeting on a corner of the street, shared the gospel and broke open their lives. They eventually felt called to work with the poor. They have never missed a day since without gathering for prayer. Their work now extends to many countries. Last night people from Senegal and other African countries were there, trying to negotiate an end to war.
This morning’s trip was to the Pontifical Biblical Institute. Our trip ends on Monday with mass in the crypt of St. Peter’s where John XXIII is buried. My experience and impressions of the trip and the many speakers has been wonderful and will take awhile to sort out. I will continue to share these as I am able.
So I will close these pages with God’s word that came with the rainbow in Scripture: I will always keep my covenant with you. Perhaps the most important message of the trip.