Our world is moving toward a new way of being. There are many who are turning to revolution as a way to move into a world of equality for all. This energy of using violence to move forward has been with us since the 18th century and we know it well.
But there is another energy at work. People around the globe who are realizing the power of synergy and who are working for peaceful solutions to providing a world of harmony and equality. I just participated in a teleconference with 14,000 other people from 121 different countries, all focused on how they can engage in co-creating a peaceful world.
Everyone who is entering the conversation, everyone who is trying to find a better or more creative way of doing something is making a difference for the planet. Some will touch large groups and some will work deeply with a few, but all are contributing to peace.
There are those who believe peace will only be found by staying with the old ways, but the planet is moving forward. We are in the midst of a shift. Join the conversation. Keep on, keeping on.